Make the transformative power of dance accessible for all.
Your support means our engagement in the community grows deeper to reach families, children, teens, and adults from all walks of life.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Creative Dance Center and Kaleidoscope Dance Company continue to exist and grow with the support of donors like you! When you give, the contribution you make enables us to continue building on the foundation of the past 43 years. Anytime you donate to the CDC, you can choose to support any of the three funds below:
● The Creative Dance Center Fund
● The Anne Green Gilbert (AGG) Endowment Fund
● The Jesse Jaramillo Scholarship Fund
Employer Matching
Please check to see if your employer will match your tax-deductible donation, doubling your giving power and further supporting CDC.

Your gift, your way!
Choose from any of our three funds.
Creative Dance Center General Fund
Your tax-deductible donation will be automatically applied to the area of greatest need. This fund helps maintain all our programming, from engagement with Mary’s Place, to class tuition assistance for families, funding for Kaleidoscope Dance Company, and support for every aspect of our mission. Donating to this fund is the quickest way to put your gift to work immediately at CDC.
Anne Green Gilbert (AGG) Endowment Fund
Created in celebration of our founder, contributions to this fund are awarded to individuals or projects that “benefit children and adults in their pursuit of physical, intellectual, and spiritual growth through dance.” Such projects have included grants for community engagement with at-risk youth, travel and teaching opportunities for dance educators, funding to bring Kaleidoscope into schools, and college scholarships for graduates of CDC.
Jesse Jaramillo Scholarship Fund
Honoring Seattle dancer, choreographer, and movement educator Jesse Jaramillo, this fund supports our mission to make creative dance accessible to people of all genders, including support for the unique viewpoint and contributions male-identified dancers have made to this art.
The Creative Dance Center gratefully acknowledges the support of 4Culture.

4Culture provides funding and support for the cultural work that makes King County vibrant.